Our School Family

Community Service

At St. Matthew’s, we strongly believe that “Little Hands can make a Big Difference” and we seek to give our students the opportunity to help and serve others in a variety of ways. In chapel we learn that “God loves us so we can love each other.” In addition to sharing our love in various ways throughout our days together on campus, we also share our loving kindness by helping those in need in our  greater Austin community.

We collect canned goods each week in chapel for for El Buen Samaritano, and the children celebrate their birthdays by contributing as many coins as their age to the birthday basket. We all count the coins together to learn the child’s age and celebrate their special day with them. Then, at the end of the year, we donate the coins to El Buen Samaritano Episcopal Mission. We also participate in holiday meal drives and book drives to benefit families served by El Buen Samaritano.

The children also participate in hands-on projects. Each class works on a service project in their classrooms, benefiting several organizations that serve a variety of different needs – from animals to the elderly to the homeless to other children in need.  We celebrate Kindness Week in the spring and gather as a school family to work on service projects together at our annual Family Day of Service. It is a true highlight of our year at St. Matthew’s!