Our School Family
Our Program


Two Year old Classes are based on social, sensory, and experimental learning. Each day consists of a balance of active and quiet play, art, music, and playground. The primary goal is to create a stimulating preschool experience in which children can discover and learn.

Children in the 2’s program spend their days in a nurturing and stimulating environment that is responsive to the developmental abilities and needs of this age group. This is a time of tremendous growth in language understanding, social connection with adults and same-age peers, and the beginnings of self-help and independence skills. With the loving guidance of our experienced teachers, each child’s development will be enhanced and enriched during this critical period of cognitive, physical, and social growth.

The curriculum for our two year old students is enriched by our specials classes; Music, Library, Fun & Fitness, and Chapel.

School for two year olds arrival begins at  8:50 AM and dismisses at 1:00 PM. Students may attend either 3 days (M/W/F) or 2 days a week, (T/TH). Each class has a lead teacher and an assistant teacher.